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  • LS: 11(The 11th International Symposium on the Science & Technology of Light Sources)

LS: 11(The 11th International Symposium on the Science & Technology of Light Sources)

Dear Sirs;
 This international symposium (LS) covers whole technologies related to the light sources and their operating systems such as their physical and chemical analyses, material technology, control system technology and researches based on new radiation principles. It has been held every three years since LS:1 was held in 1975 in Laughborough, UK. The latest four symposiums held in Kyoto (LS:7,1995), in Greifswald (LS:8,1998), in Ithaca (LS:9,2001) and in Toulouse (LS:10,2004) were very successful.

LS:11 will be held as follows;

Place: Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China
Date: 20th – 24th, May, 2007
Deadline for Abstracts: Dec.15th, 2006

The 2 nd Announcement can be seen as following URL,

Please contact if you want to know the details of the conference.
Naoki Saito