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  • 付表2 外国語雑誌名略号一覧表

付表2 外国語雑誌名略号一覧表


NO 雑誌名 略号
1 American Journal of Ophthalmology Amer. J. Ophthalmol.
2 Applied Optics Appl. Opt.
3 Applied Physics Letters Appl. Phys. Lett.
4 Applied Spectroscopy Appl. Spectrosc.
5 C.I.E. Journal CIE J.
6 C.I.E. Publication CIE Publ.
7 CBETOTEXHNKA Svetotekhniks
8 Color Research and Application Color Res. Appl.
9 Compte Rendu, C.I.E. Compte Rendu CIE
10 Die Farbe Farbe
11 Electrical Construction and Maintenance Elect. Constr. Maint.
12 Electrical Enginnering Elect. Engng.
13 Electronics Letters Electron. Lett.
14 Electrotechnische Zeitschrift E. T. Z.
15 Electrowaerme International Edition Electrowaerme Internat. Ed.
16 General Electric Review Gen. Elect. Rev.
17 IEEE Proceedings IEEE Proc.
18 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics IEEE J. Quantum Electron.
19 IEEE Transactions of Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
20 IES Technical Conference Preprint IES Tech. Conf. Preprint
21 Infrared Physics Infrared Phys.
22 International Lighting Review Internat. Light. Rev.
23 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
24 Japanese Psychological Research Jpn. Psychol. Res.
25 Journal of Applied Physics J. Appl. Phys.
26 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering JAABE
27 Journal of Electrochemical Society J. Electrochem. Soc.
28 Journal of Light & Visual Environment J. Light. Vis. Env.
29 Journal of Optics J. Optics
30 Journal of Physics. Series D:Applied Physics J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys.
31 Journal of Physics. Series E:Scientific Instruments J. Phys. E:Sci. Instrum.
32 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy Radiation Transfer J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer
33 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand.
34 Journal of Science and  Technology in  Lighting J. Sci.  Technol. Light.
35 Journal of the American Ceramic Society J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
36 Journal of the Chartered Institution of Building Service J. Chart. Inst. Build. Serv.
37 Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society J. Illum. Engng. Soc.
38 Journal of the Optical Society of Amerika (A,B) J. Opt. Soc. Am. (A,B)
39 Journal of the Optical Society of America J. Opt. Soc. Am.
40 Licht Forschung Licht Forsch.
41 Lighting Design and Application Light Des. Appl.
42 Lighting in Australia Light. Australia.
43 Lighting Research and Technology Light. Res. Technol.
44 Lighting & Sound Light. Sound 
45 Optics and Spectroscopy Optics Spectrosc.
46 Optics Letters Optics Lett.
47 Philips Research Reports Philips Res. Rep.
48 Philips Technical Review Philips Tech. Rev.
49 Photographic Science and Engineering Photogr. Sci. Engng.
50 Physical Review Phys. Rev.
51 Proceedings of the Xth Asia Lighting Conferenc Proc. ALC
52 Proceedings of the Lighting Conference of China, Japan and Korea Proc. CJK
53 Proceedings of CIE XXXX“Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency” Proc. CIE XXXX
54 Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Proc. IEEE
55 Proceedings of the Lux Pacifica Proc. LUX
56 Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting Proc. LS
57 Proceedings of the Physical Society Proc. Phys. Soc.
58 Public Lighting Pub. Lighting
59 Radiation Curing Radiat. Curing
60 Reviw of Scientific Instruments Rev. Sci. Instrum.
61 Soviet Journal of Optical Technology Sov. J. Opt. Technol.
62 Vision Research Vision Res.
63 Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik Z. Angew. Phys.