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  • Papers Presented at 2008 Annual Conference of IEIJ, August 27-28

Papers Presented at 2008 Annual Conference of IEIJ, August 27-28


Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th, August 2008


Toyosu Campus,
Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5 Toyosu Koutou-ku Tokyo, Japan


Wednesday 27, 9:20-10:05

Short presentation of poster papers at 3rd and 4th floor of Class room Building
(1) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge
Phenomenon 1
(Paper No.1-8)
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge
Phenomenon 2
(Paper No.17-18) at Room 301
(2) LED Lighting
(Paper No.107-109)
Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.114-118)
Lighting Theory
(Paper No.25-26) at Room 302
(3) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.28-39) at Room 303
(4) Lighting Practice
(Paper No.54-56)
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.127-130)
New Application of Optical Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.132-135)at Room 304
(5) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.64-76) at Room 403
(6) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.77-89) at Room 404

Wednesday 27, 9:20-17:00

Poster session for the above poster papers at Techno-Plaza at 1st floor of Classroom Building
(10:30-12:00 Discussion time for the poster papers)

Thursday 28, 9:00-12:10

General sessions at 3rd floor of Classroom Building
(1) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.90-96) at Room 301
(2) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge
Phenomenon 1
(Paper No.9-16) at Room 302
(3) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.40-47)
Lighting Design
(Paper No.63) at Room 303
(4) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
(Paper No.120-126)
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.131) at Room 304

Thursday 28, 13:30-17:20

General sessions at 3rd floor of Classroom Building
(1) Psychology and Physiology of Vision
(Paper No.97-106) at Room 301
(2) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge
Phenomenon 2
(Paper No.19-22)
(Paper No.23-24)
Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.119)
LED Lighting
(Paper No.110-113) at Room 302
(3) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.48-53)
Lighting Theory
(Paper No.27) at Room 303
(4) Lighting Practice
(Paper No.57-62)at Room 304

Papers presented


Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 1:
  1. A study of relationship between electrode temperature distributions and characteristics of Ba atom emission in a fluorescence lamp
    Masaru Naka, Yuichi Egashira, Daishiro Kijima, Kentaro Tomita, Yukihiko Yamagata, Kiichiro Uchino, Takashi Ueda, Yoshio Manabe
  2. Accelerated Life evaluation of a low pressure mercury lamp by intermittent operation
    Yasuyuki Shimizu, Toshiro Kasuya, Motoi Wada, Shigeo Gotoh
  3. Effect of substrate temperature on secondary electron emission of MgO film electrodes
    Masamune Namie, Takayuki Misu, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai
  4. Electrical discharge characteristic of electrode material to cold cathode fluorescent lamps
    Toshihiro Shono, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai
  5. Effect of surface roughness on discharge characteristics of CVD diamond electrodes used for liquid crystal display backlighting
    Masahiko Murakami, Takayuki Misu, Toshikazu Uehara, Shimon Ono, Miki Goto, Toshihiko Arai
  6. Study of Mercury-Free Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
    Ko-Chic Lee, Sheng-Ping Chuang, Po-Nien Chen, Chao-Hung Hsu
  7. Effect of diameter on xenon fluorescent lamp with auxiliary external electrode
    Masashi Takeda, Mitsuaki Hirahaya, Yukinobu Toda, Shinji Kaifu, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  8. Development of a Xenon Recycling and Supply System for Xenon Lamp Application
    Hidetoshi Yano, Yoshihiro Kimura, Naoki Tsutsui, Masaya Yamawaki, Kaoru Sakoda, Yoshio Ishihara
  9. Development of energy saving 110 V φ50 halogen reflector lamp
    Shinya Kawagoe, Naotaka Hashimoto, Toshiyasu Kojima, Taku Ikeda
  10. Light distribution characteristics tungsten incandescent lamp
    Hiroaki Kanagawa, Hiroshi Onishi, Yoji Watanabe
  11. Micro-fracture detection technology of fluorescent lamp material by AE method
    Atsushi Motoya, Kazuyuki Okano
  12. The influence of the mercury on the damage to the cathode of cold cathode lamp
    Tadao Uetsuki, Takuma Ohira, Yuji Takeda, Osamu Fukumasa
  13. Performance Improvement of Environment-conscious Hf Fluorescent Lamps
    Toshio Mori, Yoshio Manabe, Toru Higashi, Siro Iida
  14. Starting-up improvement of self-ballasted fluorescent lamp
    Akira Takahashi, Tamotsu Ando, Hiroaki Hiraoka, Kazuo Goda
  15. Development of flat shape self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps
    Tetsuya Oono, Katuyuki Kobayashi
  16. Development of High Load and Spiral-Flat typed Fluorescent Lamps
    Katsushi Seki, Koichi Katase, Katsuyuki Nagahama
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon 2:
  1. Light Intensity Distribution of a HID Lamp Measured by a Pinhole Images
    Yuji Shata, Toshiro Kasuya, Motoi Wada, Shigeo Gotoh
  2. Temperature characteristics of Ar ICP lamp
    Takuya Takeda, Kiyoshi Sakurama, Ahmad Nazri, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  3. Step-dimable electrodeless fluorescent lamp
    Yoshinori Tsuzuki, Shigeki Matsuo
  4. Development of step-dimable electrodeless fluorescent lamp system
    Ryusuke Ura, Hiroshi Ogasawara, Shohei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Kido, Hidenori Kakehashi
  5. Deveropment high color temperature ceramic metal halide lamp
    Noboru Haraguchi, Tsugio Sekiguchi, Yasushi Sasai
  6. The development of 145 W ceramic metal halide lamp system with electronic ballast and fixture
    Tomokazu Usami, Seiji Asida, Tosifumi Masuda
Luminaires :
  1. Development of the luminaire with sensor connected by power line communication
    Kazufumi Nagazoe, Eiji Miyahara, Shinsuke Nishioka, Hiroyuki Hirose, Shigeo Gotoh
  2. Development of Luminaries for dimming Square Shape Fluorescent Lamp
    Ryota Irie, Shinichiro Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Kudo
Lighting Theory:
  1. Verification of the simulation accuracy for indoor daylight illuminance distribution based on the two simulation softwares, SUPERLITE and RADIANCE
    Yukie Takada, Wataru Masuo, Mochizuki Etsuko, Hiromi Komine
  2. A simulator on illuminance distribution by using Monte Carlo method
    Takashi Sato, Masafumi Suzuki, Yasuyuki Hasegawa, Noboru Yoshimura
  3. Fundamental examination on prediction procedure for finding position of light source by using Monte Carlo Method
    �In the case of using binary process�
    Akira Uchida, Yoshihiko Ohtani
Lighting Planning :
  1. Field measurement on nocturnal outdoor light environment based on the evaluation by residents
    Katsuyuki Matsuda, Etsuko Mochizuki
  2. Relation between Street Lighting and Safety in Residential Area
    Naoya Kidokoro, Saori Kawakami, Eiichiro Momma, Hiromitsu Ishii, Takashi Ono
  3. Study on the effect of chromatic right on visual environment
    �Effect of blue right on security camera pictue�
    Ayumi Fujimoto, Youko Inoue
  4. The effect of accent lighting on retail sales
    Ryo Kuwayama, Yukio Akashi
  5. Effect of the Component of Cafe facade on Evaluation of Café
    Aimi Mochinaga, Shino Okuda
  6. Study on the Lighting Environment for makeup at the lavatory
    Sayaka Yamaguchi, Shino Okuda, Naoya Hara, Wataru Iwai
  7. Study on lighting environment for cutting and peeling in the kitchen
    �Influence of lighting direction on estimation�
    Yoko Fukumoto, Shino Okuda, Naoya Hara, Wataru Iwai
  8. Evaluation of Daylight and Optimal Control of Blinds Based on Study of Color Rendering Properties
    Masayuki Ichinose, Takashi Inoue
  9. Fundamental Study on the Possibility of Simplified 3DCG Software used for the Characteristic Analysis of the Daylight Design
    Kunihiro Abe, Tetsuo Yamaya, Yoshihiko Ohtani
  10. Ubiquitous User Interface in the Intelligent Lighting System
    Mitsunori Miki, Mitsuharu Yoshikata, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Kenichirou Hiraiwa
  11. Investigation on Communication Protocol in Intelligent Lighting System
    Mitsunori Miki, Takeshi Nishida, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
  12. Improvement of Control Algorithm of the Intelligent Lighting System for Practical Use
    Mitsunori Miki, Shingo Tanaka, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
  13. Study on the Lighting Technique Leading to Energy Conservation in an Office
    Masafumi Fujino, Shigeyuki Nishizawa, Toshie Iwata
  14. Study on Visibility of Facial Expression in Natural Lighting Environment in a House
    Susumu Sugano, Yoshiki Nakamura
  15. Basic study on the brightness evaluation of distributed multiple-light arrangements
    Yasuhiro Miki, Sueko Kanaya, Yoshiki Nakamura, Miwako Tokura
  16. Study on easiness of act under daylight and space evaluation in living rooms (Part 4)
    �The young person’s indoor optical environmental evaluation as the amount of daylight increases�
    Yasuko Yagi, Kyoji Isidu, Michiko Kunishima, Masako Miyamoto
  17. Study on easiness of act under daylight and space evaluation in living rooms (Part 5)
    �Comparison of young person and Elderly person as the amount of daylight increases�
    Michiko Kunishima, Masako Miyamoto, Yasuko Yagi, Kyoji Isidu
  18. Survey on necessity of daytime lighting and brightness of day and night in houses
    Kazumi Nakayama, Masato Sato
  19. Required brightness and energy conservation in a room daylit by mirror duct system
    Etsuko Mochizuki, Masafumi Oota, Hiroshi Kimura, Hiromi Komine
  20. Study on the Daylighting using Mirrir Duct System (Part 1)
    Sueko Kanaya, Yasuo Watanabe,Tomoya Ohsaki, Kazuya Tsuji, Masao Takagi, Tatsuya Kawabata, Kinji Tabei
  21. Research on the suitable luminescence section luminance in scene lighting
    Toshihide Mori, Toshinari Matsui, Wataru Iwai
  22. Study on the Visual Target for Blur Level of Square through Figured Glass
    Shino Okuda, Ryuji Satoh
  23. A Quantitative Examination of the Visual Environment in Subway Platform
    Wataru Iwai, Shinobu Sakai, Masami Kono
  24. Illumination of Public Stairways for Elderly People
    Yoshiki Nakamura, Sueko Kanaya,Yukio Akashi, Norihiro Ikeda, Genji Yamamoto, Chiho Kubo
  25. Investigation of the lighting environment in the indoor corridor
    Measurement and interview about the lighting environment of the residential facilities for the elderly
    Shigeko Kitamura
  26. Relationship between the light conditions of the tread and wall surfaces in the staircase, and the performance of up-down move and evaluation of visual environment
    Naoya Hara
Lighting Practice :
  1. Fundamental Study on the Urban Landscape and Lightiscape of Tokyo “Shitamachi” Area �North-South Axis�
    Akihiko Mitsuishi, Tetsuo Yamaya, Yoshihiko Ohtani
  2. Field measurement on effectiveness of daylighting in common areas of a school in a busy area
    Sakura Miichi, Masashi Matsumoto, Kensuke Kanai, Daisuke Itoh, Toshie Iwata
  3. Development of the LED outdoor lighting system which utilizes small-sized waterwheel generator
    Masanobu Nishimura, Hisashi Wakamatsu, Yasumasa Goto, Jun Nakura
  4. Survey on the upward flux from outdoor lighting in urban residential areas
    Toshie Iwata, Mika Igarashi, Kohji Kawakami
  5. Study on the present condition of outdoor lighting system for the disaster prevention
    �Questionnaire survey to local governments designated for the disaster prevention�
    Tadashi Doi, Yuki Akizuki, Michico Iwata, Shino Okuda, Yasunori Karasawa, Hideki Sakai, Toshimi Tsukada, Yasuyuki Matsumoto, Masaharu Morishita
  6. Study on the preparedness in the night of local governments designated for the disaster-prone area: Cases of Kochi, Tokushima, Wakayama and Shizuoka
    Yuki Akizuki, Michico Iwata, Shino Okuda, Yoshinori Karasawa, Toshimi Tsukada, Tadashi Doi, Yasuyuki Matsumoto, Masaharu Morishita
  7. Lighting installations with single side arrangement in large cross section tunnel of Shinmeishin Expressway
    Takamasa Tamai, Tatsuhiro Kuwano, Takanori Fujimoto, Komei Kido
  8. Lighting installation of Suzuka tunnel (for Kobe) of Shin Meishin Expressway
    Kazuhiko Shinohara, Tomiki Yokota, Motohiko Sato, Masanori Yokoyama
  9. Maintenance factor of tunnel lighting installation considered remainder factor of light sources
    Satoshi Hirakawa, Motohisa Sato, Kunio Toeda, Tsuyoshi Sugawara, Sho’etsu Sakamoto
Lighting Design :
  1. Designing of lamp shade by ruled surface
    �An approach of lamp shade disgn making use of rapid prototyping system
    Hirotaka Suzuki
Psychology and Physiology of Vision:
  1. Perception of envelope of amplitude-modulated flicker: An investigation based on MEG responses
    Yosuke Okamoto, Seiji Nakagawa
  2. Effective Illuminance Improvement of Light Source by using Pulse Modulation and its Psychophysical Effect on Human Eye
    Keiji Morita, Yudai Tomita, Yukinobu Toda, Hideki Motomura, Masafumi Jinno
  3. Effect of duty ratio on the conspicuity of blinking colored LED lights
    Xiaoning Zhang, Tetsuya Eda, Genji Yamamoto, Norihiro Ikeda, Masanori Nagata, Miyoshi Ayama
  4. Research on conservation of energy effect improvement of full-color LED display
    Daisuke Suzuki, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Ken-ichi Mima, Santarou Nakajima
  5. Study on daily variation of visibility
    �The influence of a work load�
    Aya Kato, Youko Inoue
  6. Visibility Evaluation Method based on Contrast Sensitivity
    �Part1 Application Method to the Luminance Image with the Luminance Value of Wide Range�
    Wataru Shimazaki, Mai Tsuchiya, Tomoko Iwamoto, Yoshiki Nakamura
  7. Visibility Evaluation Method based on Contrast Sensitivity
    �Part 2 The Relationship between Psychological Scale and Threshold of Visibility�
    Mai Tsuchiya, Wataru Shimazaki, Tomoko Iwamoto, Yoshiki Nakamura
  8. Relationship in the distributed multiple-light arrangement between the number of the lights in the field of view and subjective evaluation
    Hiraku Asakura, Takashi Irikura
  9. Appearance of Object Color when the Adaptation of Eyes Shifted from Light Adaptation to Dark Adaptation
    Shu Jiang, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Hiroshi Sawa
  10. Facial recognition under blue lighting
    Saeri Takahashi, Yukio Akashi
  11. Brightness Perception of LED light in Dense Fog
    Bobsy Arief Kurniawan, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima
  12. Research on Binocular Color Fusion Limit
    Li jun Jia, Xiaolin Qin, Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Kazuhiro Sassa
  13. Research on Brightness Limit for Binocular Fusion
    Takasumi Ikeda, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu
  14. Development of the supportive tool for the design of the pictogram in consideration of dichromats including the influence of lighting
    Kumi Sakurai, Yu Izawa, Mika Kato, Katuaki Sekiguchi
  15. Effects of the presentation position of a string in visibility and its age-related changes
    Takahiro Yoneyama, Katsunori Okajima
  16. Study on Adaptation Luminance in Visual Field Under Complex Luminance Distribution �Comparing Luminance Difference Threshold and Scattering Light of Elder People with Those of Young People�
    Yoko Ikegami, Naoya Hara, Youko Inoue
  17. Study on optimum presentation method which considered elderly people in case of LED information board
    Takeo Tsuneyama, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu, Tetsuya Fujita, Santaro Nakajima
  18. Research on Development of LED Type Traffic Signal
    �for Colorblindness�
    Yusuke Takahashi, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu, Ken-ichi Mima, Zojiro Katoh
  19. Estimation Methods for Age-Related Changes of Spectral Luminous Efficiency
    Keisuke Takayama, Katsunori Okajima, Taka-aki Suzuki
  20. A method for color rendering evaluation of the elderly
    Masafumi Oda, Katsunori Okajima
  21. Effects of the light color in color appearance and discrimination
    Makiko Uda, Naoya Hara, Katsunori Okajima
  22. Research on hue of lighting and the effect of psychology
    Yutaka Yano, Yoshio Nakashima, Mamoru Takamatsu
  23. Research on the Preferred Visual Environment in the Living Room Space
    �Part 2 subjective experiment on RGB LED, RGB fluorescent lamp�
    Lu Bin, Naoyuki Oi
  24. Visual Estimation of Translucency of Materials
    Takuo Oki, Taiichiro Ishida
  25. The effect of difference in background color on discomfort glare
    Tomoyuki Nakamura, Takashi Irikura
  26. Relation between correlated color temperature and discomfort glare
    Shoko Kawanobe, Takashi Irikura
  27. The relationship between eye strain and light sources (1)
    Hirokuni Higashi, Takashi Ichijo, Yamaguchi Hideki, Hiroyuki Shinoda
  28. Impressions of non-uniformly illuminated room evaluated by the distribution of border luminance
    Hideki Yamaguchi, Kouki Tagawa, Sachiyo Yaneya, Hiroyuki Shinoda, Naoya Hara
  29. Subjective evaluation of brightness of a space and its changes with illuminance
    Taiichiro Ishida, Megumi Kawarabayashi
  30. Decision of the most suitable illumination condition in food-store illumination
    Mamoru Takamatsu, Yoshio Nakashima, Yukio Okamura, Kenji Nemoto
  31. Basic Study on the Visibility of a Solid Object �Part-6 Relationship between elemental evaluations and synthetical evaluation of visibility of spherical object
    Ryuji Satoh, Shino Okuda, Mikiko Nakamura
  32. Basic Study on the Visibility of a Solid Object �Part-7 Relationship between the visibility of the surface border of cubic object and the visual easiness score
    Mikiko Nakamura, Ryuji Satoh, Shino Okuda
  33. Study of the Method of Discomfort Glare Controlled by the blind control
    Mutsuo Honma
  34. The effect of very-low correlated color temperature light exposure before bedtime on nocturnal melatonin secretion
    Naohiro Toda, Hiroki Noguchi, Wataru Tanaka, Akira Yasukouchi
  35. Quantitative evaluation of the light suppressing Melatonin secretion based on a CIE standard illuminant
    Taka-aki Suzuki, Yoshio Okada, Tsuyoshi Yi, Satoshi Sakuragawa, Shoji Kawahito
  36. Comparison between perceived colour-differences and colorimetric colour-differences of colour pairs with small hue, value and chroma differences specified according to the guide line of the CIE
    Koichi Ikeda, Masaharu Nakayama
  37. Influence of asperity of wallpaper on the brightness demand
    Mika Kato, Katsuaki Sekiguchi
  38. Study on Effect of Ambient Color and Temperature on the Human Psychological and Physiological Responses
    Michico Iwata
  39. Contrast Effect of Colors under Adaptation to Colored lights and Illuminance levels
    Masami Kono, Naoya Hara, Haruyo Ohno
  40. The study on the influence of chromatic lights on physiological and psycological responses
    �Young person’s physiological reaction, impression, and tiredness feeling�
    Youko Inoue, Hiroko Kubo, Satoko Niimi
  41. Influence of illuminance on preference of seeing flower
    Zhenglie Cui, Zhongren Shao, Tsutomu Iwasaki, Takashi Takeda
  42. Experimental evaluation for discriminability of the characters on head up display
    Michiaki Sekine, Kazumoto Morita, Yuki Tsukada, Takeo Okada
  43. Study on the effect of Color of source of light on visibility
    Takayuki Arimatsu, Koichiro Shiomi, Nobuhiro Kyoto, Seiji Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Mimura
LED Lighting :
  1. The effect of white LED’s spectral power distributions on the perception of brightness
    Shouichi Asahi, Yukio Akashi
  2. Development of full-color LED lighting system
    Shigeharu Tamura, Kotaro Takahama, Takashi Hiraga, Hideo Sugimoto
  3. Fabrication of LED fishing lights by using 1-W-type high-power LEDs for saury fishing
    Koichi Hosogane, Sho Takahashi, Ayumi Kubota, Masaki Kato, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Satoshi Kobayashi, Masahiro Moniwa, Kimio Sasa, Hirotaka Yoshino, Hiroyoshi Ishikawa, Makoto Harada, Kenji Asakura, Hiromitsu Ishii
  4. Study on glare of LED lamp and its individual and age variation
    Takako Kimura, Tatsuhiro Yamashita, Shinichi Kojima, Miyoshi Ayama
  5. Humidity Chromaticity Variation Lifetime Estimation of High Power White LEDs for Lighting
    Takafumi Fujino, Ikko Kuzuhara, Koji Nishioka, Masaru Sugimoto
  6. White reflection molding compound for LEDs of Surface-mounted devices
    Hayato Kotani, Makoto Mizutani, Naoyuki Urasaki
  7. The development of a white LED lighting enabling energy saving/extension of life and a source of light deterioration diagnousis
    Hisaki Itsuki, Takashi Mezaki, Hitoshi Seki, Soichiro Shinozawa, Toshiyuki Kakuchi
Optical Devices and Display :
  1. Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculation of Phosphors for Luminescent Lamps
    Hiroaki Onuma, Ai Suzuki, Shanoun Riadh, Michihisa Koyama, Hideyuki Tsuboi, Nozomu Hatakeyama, Akira Endou, Hiromitsu Takaba, Carlos Del Carpio, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto
  2. Luminescence and electrical properties of boron-doped nc-Si particles
    Kazuki Niino, Keisuke Sato, Kenji Hirakuri
  3. Fabrication of nc-Si particles with stable and multi-colored luminescence dispersed in pure water
    Masaki Hiruoka, Keisuke Sato, Kenji Hirakuri
  4. Fabrication of ultraviolet light emitting diode using ZnO nanowires
    Takafumi Matsumoto, Masato Matsumoto, Mitsuhiro Higashihata, Ruiqian Guo, Tatsuo Okada
  5. Technology of Speckle Noise Reducton for Laser Diode Projector
    Keisuke Omori, Tadao Kyomoto, Sakae Saito
  6. Visible Light Luminescence of Tetravalent Metal Doping Silica Based Thin Films
    Satoru Noge, Takehiko Uno
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry :
  1. Evaluation of uncertainty for establishment of the illuminance responsivity standard
    Kenichi Kinoshita, Kenji Godo, Ichiro Saito
  2. Absolute quantum efficiency measurement for lamp phosphors
    Kazuaki Ohkubo, Kosei Oshima, Syunsuke Mishima
  3. Near-IR Spectral Responsivity Calibration Facility Based on Cryogenic Radiometer
    Yoshiro Ichino, Ichiro Saito
  4. Development of the spectral diffuse reflectance standard in the UV and near-IR region (2)
    �New absolute reflectance measurement based on the modified Van den Akker method�
    Hiroshi Shitomi, Ichiro Saito
  5. Evaluation of uncertainty for chromaticity measurement of LEDs
    Kenji Godo, Tatsuya Zama, Hiroshi Sihtomi, Ichiro Saito
  6. The total luminous flux measurement of the LED with the integrating hemisphere
    Syunsuke Mishima, Kosei Oshima, Kazuaki Ohkubo
  7. Development of measuring method of total luminous of LEDs-Comparison of an external standard source system with conventional internal standard source system
    Weidong Qian, Fukashi Ogata, Fusao Hoshino, Masataka Takiue, Kohtaro Kohmoto
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry:
  1. Implementation of optical measurement system by laser speckle pattern
    Satoshi Shintani, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Tomohiro Takano, Masanori Kunimoto
  2. Dependence of Fluorescence Spectra of Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis) on the Wavelength of Excitation Light
    Atsushi Takatama, Atsumi Ishii, Yukihiro Masaki, Kazutaka Murata, Tamotsu Okamoto, Kunio Takahashi, Yuko Ohno, Shohei Kaneko, Yuji Shimada
  3. Noninvasive measurement of blood glucose based on attenuated total reflection spectrum of infrared radiation
    Kazuya Honda, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Akinobu Muro
  4. Development of spectroscopic measurement system based on Infrared Radiation
    Takuya Wada, Hiroaki Ishizawa
  5. Extraction of Speckle Noise Pattern in Optical Fiber by Using the Digital Logic Operation
    Norihiro Nakayama, Masanari Taniguchi, Shosuke Suzuki, Tasuku Takagi
New Application of Optical Radiation :
  1. Consideration of Phase Unwrapping Route for Figure Measurement using Fringe Projection
    Yukitaka Shinoda, Yusuke Konishi, Takashi Higo
  2. Reflected Spectral Measurement by Fiber Bragg Gratings for Optical Strain Gages
    Yukitaka Shinoda, Yu Sasaki, Kenichi Nagai, Izumi Ogura, Takashi Higo
  3. Characteristics of three-dimensional shapes measurement using optical patterns projection
    Yoshihisa Uchida, Hiroaki Yasuda, Shuntaro Higa
  4. Classification and Measurement of Pesticide Residues based on Infrared Radiation
    Tomohiro Takano, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Kazuya Honda, Hisaya Yamada, Nobuaki Tanaka