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  • Papers Presented at 2004 Annual Conference of IEI-J, August 5-6

Papers Presented at 2004 Annual Conference of IEI-J, August 5-6

1. Date

Thursday 5th and Friday 6th, August 2004

2. Place

Building No.1 of Surugadai School,
College of Science and Technology,
Nihon University
1-8-14 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

3. Program

The program will be also published in Vol.28, No.2 issue of The Journal of Light & Visual Environment.

Thursday 5, 9:00-10:40
General Session
(1) Optical Devices and Display
(Paper No.119-123) at Room 5F-151
(2) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.42-46) at Room 5F-152
(3) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II): HID Lamps
(Paper No.12-16) at Room 5F-153
(4) Luminaire (Paper No.32-33) and Light Source,
Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (I): Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps
(Paper No.10-11) at Room5F-154
Thursday 5, 9:00-12:10 (DiscussionTime: 10:40-12:10)
(1) Poster Session at 4F Gallery
Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.97-118)
(2) Poster Session at 5F Gallery
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II) (Paper No.26-31),
Luminaire (Paper No.34),
Lighting Theory (Paper No.40-41),
Lighting Planning (Paper No.66-72),
Lighting Practice (Paper No.77-80),
Lighting Design (paper No.81),
Optical Devices and Display (Paper No.124-126),
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry (Paper No.132-135),
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry (Paper No.144- 145)
and Others (Paper No.146-149)
Thursday 5, 13:00-17:10
(1) 13:00-14:30 Special Program at 5F CST Hall
(2) 14:40-17:10 Symposium (Paper No.S-1 – S-5) at 5F CST Hall
Thursday 5, 18:00-20:00
(1) 18:00-18:30 Award Ceremony at Tokyo Garden Palace
(2) 18:30-20:00 Fellowship Reception at Tokyo Garden Palace
Friday 6, 9:00-12:10
General Session
(1) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.47-54) at Room 5F-151
(2) Lighting Planning (Paper No.61-65) and
Lighting Practice (Paper No.73-76) at Room 5F-152
(3) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II): HID Lamps
(Paper No.17-25) at Room 5F-153
(4) Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry (Paper No.127-131) and
Others (Paper No. 146-147) at Room 5F-154
(5) Visual Psychology and Physiology
(Paper No.82-86) at Room 4F-144
Friday 6, 9:00-12:10
(1) Poster Session at 4F Gallery
Visual Psychology and Physiology (Paper No.97-118)
(2) Poster Session at 5F Gallery
Light Source,Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II) (Paper No.26-31),
Luminaire (Paper No.34), Lighting Theory (Paper No.40-41),
Lighting Planning (Paper No.66-72),
Lighting Practice (Paper No.77-80),
Lighting Design (paper No.81),
Optical Devices and Display (Paper No.124-126),
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry (Paper No.132-135),
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry (Paper No.144- 145)
and Others (Paper No.146-149)
Friday 6, 13:30-17:00
General Session
(1) Lighting Planning
(Paper No.55-60) at Room 5F-151
(2) Lighting Theory
(Paper No.35-39) at Room 5F-152
(3) Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon Phenomenon (I): Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps
(Paper No.1-9) at Room 5F-153
(4) Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
(Paper No.136-143) at Room 5F-154
(5) Visual Psychology and Physiology
(Paper No.87-96) at Room 4F-144

4. Papers presented

Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (I): Incandescent and Fluorescent Lamps
1VUV spectroscopy of CO gas dischargeAkimitsu Hatta
2Search of nitrogen discharge with a fluorescence lampYasuki Kawashima
Maki Minamoto
Yosuke Nishikage
3Characteristics of mercury-free cylindrically flat fluorescent lampMakoto Yasuda
Tomokazu Yoshikawa
Tomokazu Shiga
Shigeo Mikoshiba
4Infrared analyses of impurities adsorbed oncoating materialsKiyoshi Nishimura
5Heat analyses of T5 fluorescent lampsKiyoshi Otani
Yusuke Shibahara
6Phenomena of the fluorescent lamp electrode at the end-of-lifeYoshio Watanabe
Yoshiki Kurokawa
Yo Oishi
7Development of compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps with the size equal to an incandescent lamp of A60Kunihiko Ikada
Hidenori Ito
Toshiya Tanaka
Hiroshi Kubota
Shinya Hakuta
8Buffer gas and driving frequency dependence in a low-frequency driven electrodeless compact fluorescent lampTakeshi Arakawa
Kiyoshi Hashimotodani
Akira Hochi
Katsushi Seki
Kouichi Katase
9Development of electronic ballast for lowfrequency electrodeless lampsShohei Yamamoto
Yuji Kumagai
Akira Nakajo
Futoshi Okamoto
10Development of dimming electronic ballast with a phase control dimmer for studio lightingTomohiro Sasakawa
Tomoaki Mannami
Takashi Kanda
Masahito Oonishi
11Perpetual color temperature dimming system
Saburou Kimura
Naoki Yanai
Hiroshi Kita
Hidemitsu Yamazuka
Tsutomu Ishizone
Light Source, Circuit and Discharge Phenomenon (II): HID Lamps
12Analysis of convection in a discharge lamp type vesselYuichiro Iwama
Masahiko Kase
Koichi Ichimiya
13Stress analysis of super high-pressure mercury discharge lamp bulbs under thermal loadsMasahiko Kase
Yuichiro Iwama
Toshiyuki Sawa
14Discharge tube operation by open type microwave cavityAkihiro Inouye
Naohiro Horii
Kimio Maegawa
Hidehiko Noguchi
15A study on high efficacy electrodeless MH lampswith microwaveMotohiro Saimi
Shin Ukegawa
Tsutomu Kobayashi
16A study of dimming characteristics on Hg-lessmetal halide lampsShingo Higashisaka
Kazuhiko Sakai
Atsunori Okada
17Development of 400W metal halide lamp with high performanceAkiyoshi Maehara
Shigeyuki Aoki
Kouichi Naitou
18Development of 400W ceramic metal halide lampMasanao Kudo
Hiroyuki Hayakawa
Noboru Haraguti
Koji Yoshida
19An investigation of high frequency operation for 20W metal halide lampsKazutoshi Mita
20A compact igniter for low wattage HID lamps Tomoyuki Nakano
Hidenori Kakehashi
Kazuhiko Kinutani
Kenichi Takamatsu
21Development of excimer lamp in two dimensional array typeAkinobu Morimitsu
Masahiro Kurano
Shougo Yoshida
Takeshi Sakurai
22Examination of illimonance distribution for excimer lamp system
- Development of the excimer irradiation device (1) -
Toshiya Suzuki
Akihiko Tauchi
Tetsuo Yamada
Teiji Shimokawa
23Analysis of electric discharge phenomenon of excimer lamp
- Development of the excimer irradiation device (2) -
Akihiko Tauchi
Kazuhiko Yoshikawa
Katsuaki Nakano
24Improvement of illuminance distribution for excimered lamp
- Development of excimer irradiation device (3) -
Kazuhito Shiraishi
Toshiya Suzuki
Ichiro Yokozeki
Kazuhiro Yoshikawa
25Development of electric ballast circuit for excimer lamp
- Development of the excimer irradiation device (4) -
Syouhei Maeda
Kazuhiro Shiraishi
Toshiya Suzuki
Ichiro Yokozeki
26Evaluation of incandescent radiation from tungsten cluster - Comparison of cluster radiation in various metal oxidesHiroki Kubo
Ayumu Sato
Kazuya Kondo
Seishi Sekine
Masasi Ohkawa
27Radiation properties of the compact electrodeless discharge lamp driven by low microwave powerMasaya Shido
Y. Onoda
M. Kondo
28Tb3+-doped green phosphor with short decay time for fluorescent lampsRyo Yoshimatsu
Hisashi Yoshida
Maki Minamoto
29High efficacy electrodeless fluorescent lamp systemKohji Hiramatsu
Shinji Hizuma
Atsunori Okada
Hidenori Kakehashi
30Analysis and application of a neutral point type back boot converterToshihiro Kuratani
Yoshihito Kato
Yuki Okamura
Shunici Adachi
Nobuo Takahashi
Yakuya Abe
31Development and application of neutral point type back boost inverter for compact lampYuuki Okamura
Yoshihito Kato
Toshihiro Kuratani
Shunici Adachi
Nobuo Takahashi
Yakuya Abe
32Development of the built in type luminaireKenji Igarashi
Norio Suzuki
33Development of the luminaire corresponding to the home networkHisato Nakagawa
34Simulating distribution of luminous intensity of downlight using the Monte Carlo methodToshirou Shimizu
Masashi Suzuki
Noboru Yoshimura
Lighting Theory
35The evaluation of lighting to adapt to unified glare rating regulationYoshinori Saito
Masayuki Iguchi
Shuji Katayama
36The usability reviewing by the wide screen CG in case of tunnel interior lighting's visibility evaluationToshihide Mori
Hayato Ito
Kazuyuki Ooya
Keiki Kaga
37Visibility of the critical object in the tunnel interior lightingHayato Ito
Toshihide Mori
Kazuyuki Ooya
Keiki Kaga
38Utilization factor within shadow under Task Ambient LightingAkira Uchida
Yoshihiko Ohtani
39Lighting requirements for home-theaterTakashi Saito
Kazuo Nakagoshi
Masakazu Yamamoto
Wataru Iwai
40Fundamental study on the barrier-free lighting design of sidewalk that used the three- dimensional computer graphicsAtsuhiro Iida
Tetsuo Yamaya
Yoshihiko Ohtani
Junichi Fujita
Yasuhiro Kodaira
41Relation between intensity waveform of blinking light and discomfort glareKeiichi Nakajima
Tsukasa Mori
Takashi Irikura
Lighting Planning
42Survey on the actual condition of electric lights in the non-living spaceMiwako Tokura
Yasuhiro Miki
Yoshiaki Uetani
Hirotaka Suzuki
Hideo Asada
Wataru Iwai
43Lighting arrangement and its psychological effect in a residential corridor
- Effect of the lighting of sequential rooms -
Shigeko Kitamura
Wataru Iwai
44Effects of the adaptation level and adaptation time on the proper illuminance for relaxationKyoko Ishida
Youko Inoue
45Basic study on the faculty of windows related to visual factor in the family room in houses
- Part 1. Effect of the window-conditions on the evaluation of windows -
Shino Okuda
Ryuji Satoh
46Basic study on the faculty of windows related to visual factor in the family room in houses
- Part 2. Effect of the view-conditions on the evaluation of windows -
Ryuji Satoh
Shino Okuda
47Development of new hi-efficiency indirect lighting system with luminaire attached on top wall
- Part 2. Study on luminous environment using new ceiling paint for new hi-efficiency indirect lighting system.
Shigeaki Fujita
Yoshiaki Yasuoka
Shinya Nakao
Tamio Mizuno
Shouichi Hamazaki
Minoru Nikaido
48Visual impression of a space lit from a windowand ceiling - Comparison of uniform lighting and adjusted compound lightingSangpil Han
Taiichiro Ishida
Masayuki Iguchi
Wataru Iwai
49Development of the lighting simulation tool for daylighting.Hirotaka Suzuki
Yoshiaki Uetani
Yasuhiro Miki
Miwako Tokura
Kumiko Toishi
50The study on the evaluation of apparent brightness in case of daylight qualitative analysis by use of displayAkiko Kanemoto
Yoko Inoue
51Measurements of the luminous environment and energy efficience in an office with daylightingNahoko Mochizuki
Hiroshi Sako
Masaaki Higuchi
Shinsuke Watanabe
Shin-ichi Tanabe
Yukino Saeki
52Experimental study on the visibility of outside view through a screenEtsuko Mochizuki
Toshie Iwata
Akane Kondou
53Simple method for measuring optical properties of window screenToshie Iwata
Daisuke Itoh
Etsuko Mochizuki
54Measurement of indoor luminous environment in Nippon Express HQ buildingTakeshi Kamimura
Minoru Matsumoto
55Stage lighting systems at the National Theater of OkinawaMakoto Inoue
Toshiya Kusaka
Noboru Nakamura
Yutaka Ohshiro
56Characteristics of the illuminating system for scale model experiment using RGB fluorescent lamps with dimmersNaoyuki Oi
Nana Tomimatsu
57The difference for incandescent lamps of illuminance level of applying self-ballasted fluorescent lamps to lightsKazumi Nakayama
Toshikazu Yoshinuma
Masashi Kawano
Noriyasu Furue
Yoichi Miyata
58Study on the safety of descent stairs by evaluation of visibility Part1
� Comparison of evaluation by the difference in existence of a movement to go down stairs
Michico Iwata
Noriko Baba
Taiji Morimoto
Tomoo Hasegawa
59Study on the safety of descent stairs by evaluation of visibility Part2
- Investigation of line of an end part of steps
Michico Iwata
Noriko Baba
Tomoo Hasegawa
Taiji Morimoto
60The Evaluation method for the easiness of stepping the stars in consideration of the adaptation level - Relationships among the visual factors
the size of steps and the man factors
Youko Inoue
Nami Nishimura
61A study of lighting enviroment at station in metropolitan area No.1
- Propose of this research and investigation of the actual situation
Go Yanagisawa
Yoshiko Fukuda
Akihiro Tamura
62A study of lighting environment at station in metropolitan area No.2
- Evaluation experiment using actual space
Yoshiko Fukuda
Akihiro Tamura
Go Yanagisawa
63A study of a design method for camera monitorShunsuke Kohko
Takuji Uozumi
Kohji Kawakami
64Study on the visibility of pedestrian in road lighting for intersection.Takuji Uozuni
Shunsuke Kohko
Nobuyuki Sskata
Kohji Kawakami
Yusuke Kasaba
Yoshiki Nakamra
65Improved tunnel lighting installation pro-beam lighting system in Tokyokou tunnelMunetoshi Oikawa
Hirokazu Taguchi
Masayuki Kurimoto
Shigefumi Ueda
Shoetsu Sakamoto
66The study on psychological estimation of indoor lighting by experiments using CG imageAsana Kitayama
Michico Iwata
Akifumi Yamashita
Etsuko Koushiro
67Activity and comfortable condition of illuminance and color temperatureMayu Kubota
Toshie Iwata
Yuiko Sekiguchi
68Study on evaluation of light direction in centralization and dispersion source of lightDaisuke Itoh
Toshie Iwata
Kosuke Nakamura
69Feasibility study on low energy lighting technique of floodlightingJunta Egashira
Yoshiki Nakamura
70The state of the optical environment of a night street - Fundamental examination about crossing cognitionShunsuke Nagai
Shuuji Momoi
Katuaki Sekiguchi
Masahide Kakudate
71The result of a survey on the street lighting plan consider regional characteristicTakeshi Shimotubo
Katuaki Sekiguthi
Satoko Murai
Masahide Kakudate
72Research on the optical environment of the city in the viewpoint of cognition of a placeHiroshi Motomura
Masahide Kakudate
Katuaki Sekiguchi
Lighting Practice
73Low positioned lighting for Dainikeihan HighwayRyuji Soma
Tomoko Kotani
74Measurement using additive mixture of colors of fog concentrationYoshio Sasaki
Hiromitsu Ishii
Takashi Ono
Toshifumi Ichiyanagi
Kenji Fujinami
Jun-ichi Hozumi
75Renovation of lighting facilities at automobile plants of TOYOTA - An application of 4 feet parallel fluorescent luminaire for the industrial lightingMasayoshi Yamada
Michinori Yoshida
Homare Takai
Yuichi Amagai
76Illuminance and color temperature in the one convenience storeHaruyo Ohno
77Lighting facilities of electrodeless lamp of Route357 Yokohama Bay BridgeHiroshi Omura
Toshio Kitou
Kiyoshi Satori
Hiroki Fukuda
Yasuyuki Matsumoto
78Fundamental study of visibility measuring system by veil of lightYoshio Sasaki
Toshifumi Ichiyanagi
Takasi Ono
Hiromitsu Ishii
Jun-ichi Hozumi
79Lighting equipment for refuge and guidance at Mizumoto Park in TokyoNobuyuki Tabata
Hiroyuki Nakagomi
Kazuhito Miura
80Light control system with occupation sensor applied in working areaIsao Nakazawa
Kenji Fujiwara
Jun Yamane
Masaharu Yamane
Masaaki Ohta
Lighting Design
81 Scandinavian modern designs: Shop lighting designs Azumi Takahashi
Miwa Ozato
Tetsuo Yamaya
Visual Psychology and Physiology
82Visual fatigue during reading with different character sizeHiroyasu Ujike
Norio Nakamura
Ken Sagawa
83Readability of text presented on VDT - Effects of line-height and letter-spacingMichiko Hososhima
Takashi Sakamoto
Yukiko Kataoka
Miyoshi Ayama
84Basic study of visibility in dense fog using color LandoltMamoru Takamatsu
Tomoya Yamaguchi
Yoshio Nakashima
85The lighting method of emergency lighting to keep necessary visibilityWataru Iwai
Yoshinori Saito
Kazuteru Obara
Youko Inoue
Tadahisa Jin
86Research on the influence of light source on visual environment of drivers at nightTakashi Kawai
Kazuhiko Ando
Nozomu Mori
Kentaro Hayashi
87Estimating light adaptation level of visual field with complicated luminance distributionTaiichiro Ishida
Koji Iriyama
88Increase of adaptation luminance by the glare source stimulating the peripheral visual fieldNaoya Hara
Tarow Noguchi
89 Classification of brightness relevant to indoor space, and clarification of each other's relationships Mika Kato
Katsuaki Sekiguchi
90Additivity of border luminance between different luminariesHideki Yamaguchi
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Mitsuo Ikeda
91Effect of number and colorfulness of the colors of the objects in visual searchKazuhiro Sassa
Atsuko Kawaguchi
Syouji Inada
Takamatsu Mamoru
Yoshio Nakashima
92Color appearance of LED for automotive forward lightingYasushi Kita
Takashi Sato
Satoshi Shioiri
Hirohisa Yaguchi
93Effects of light sources used in a dwelling house on colors perceivedMasato Sato
Takako Abe
Kazumi Nakayama
94Study of mental effect by the color solution - In the case of bath saltsYoshio Nakashima
Mamoru Takamatsu
Sunao Fujii
Yukinori Saeki
Tetuya Arai
Hiroyuki Tauchi
Toshie Mikami
95Effects of bright light exposure in a real office environmentHiroki Noguchi
Takeo Ito
Shuji Katayama
Emi Koyama
96Research of street lighting for reducing fear of crime levels using virtual reality technologyManabu Inoue
Naohiro Toda
Masayuki Kiriu
Kyouichi Himura
97The impression of room given by communication window lightingYoshichika Inoue
Mikako Nishikawa
Hideki Yamaguchi
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Mitsuo Ikeda
98Relationship between psychological evaluation and physical elements of lighting spaceHidehiro Yamaji
Taiichiro Ishida
99Basic study on the visibility of a solid object relationship between each site of the visual target and brightness evaluationNaoki Urakawa
Ryuji Satoh
Shino Okuda
100Correlation between driver's sense of security and illumination in expressway tunnel effect on difference of light source colorHiromitu Isii
Takasi Ono
Eiichirou Momma
Daisuke Yamagishi
Yukihisa Takeda
101A lighting design system based on brightness predicted from luminance distributionMasafumi Fujino
Yoshiki Nakamura
Wataru Iwai
Shusaku Inoue
102A comparative study of perceptual whiteness area in the real environmental roomsAkiko Ohta
Sueko Kanaya
Miyoshi Ayama
Kenji Mukai
103 Comparison of perceived colour-differences with colorimetric colour-differences of colour pairs having hue, value, and chroma differences mutually Satoshi Fujimura
Takaaki Kobayashi
Akio Murahashi
Fuyuki Hosokawa
Masaharu Nakayama
Koichi Ikeda
104Comparison of perceived attributes with standard NCS specification
and verification of perceived uniformity of NCS colour order system
Koshiro Akatsuka
Hideya Shiono
Koichi Ikeda
105Lighting environmental adaptation measured by border luminance of color appearance modeYasuhiko Harada
Hideki Yamaguti
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Mitsuo Ikeda
106The color matching by color chart and CRT display - Effects of backgroundKouta Kuranishi
Akira Yujiri
107Color appearance of object colors at various correlated color temperatureDaisuke Sanada
Takashi Sakamoto
Akira Yujiri
108Visibility of color stimuli using LEDs in driving situationTakanobu Fujima
Kazuto Hagiwara
Genji Yamamoto
Norihiro Ikeda
Masanori Nagata
Miyosi Ayama
109Measurement of luminance contrast threshold in two brightness backgrounds by using moving target methodTatsuma Kitazawa
Masayoshi Kamijo
Tsugutake Sadoyama
Shoji Kobayashi
110 Study on readability of chromatic documents part 3 - Relationship between background luminance, hue and equivalent luminance contrast of chromatic letters on the achromatic background - Hiroyuki Ohshima
Naoya Hara
Taro Noguchi
111Effects of veiling luminance and luminance contrast on target visibilityYusuke Kasaba
Yoshiki Nakamura
Shunsuke Kouko
Takuji Uozumi
Kouji Kawakami
112Effect of haze for visual acuityHidetake Yusa
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Mitsuo Ikeda
113Ageing on useful field of viewYoshiki Fukunaga
Ken Sagawa
Hiroyasu Ujike

Discomfort glare caused by multiple point sources
- Effect of the interval of sources placed in matrix -

Teppei Kasahara
Takashi Irikura
115Discomfort glare caused by continuous flash light
- Effect of flash duration -
Takahiro Suzuki
Takashi Irikura
116Analysis of apparent brightness of the scattered light in fog by using CCD cameraNaoya Urakawa
Masaharu Nakayama
Yosiro Aoki
117Spatial brightness seen from layout and area of windowMayuko Kimura
Mika Kato
Kathuaki Sekiguchi
118On change of luminance difference threshold in periodic fluctuation of visual field luminanceTakashi Ohgaki
Naoya Hara
Taro Noguchi
Optical Devices and Display
119Ar concentration characteristics of electron temperature in narrow cold cathode lampMiki Goto
Kazuhiro Fukushima
Toshihiko Arai
120The operating of some CCFL-currents with the variable inductorHiroshi Shinmen
Mitsuo Matsushima
Shingo Suzuki
121Projection of the light output depreciation rate of white LEDs for lightingAkiko Nakanishi
Takayoshi Moriyama
122Characteristic evaluation of lighting sources using LEDsTakahiro Ayabe
Kenji Honma
Hironobu Shimizu
Takashi Tsutsumi
123The development of the high power LED unit Shinya Ishizaki
Satoshi Mori
Koji Nishioka
Takuma Hashimoto
Masaru Sugimoto
124Simulating frontlight of reflective liquid crystal displayYouhei Takahashi
Masashi Suzuki
Noboru Yoshimura
125Fabrication of size controlled nanocrystalline siliconHiroshi Kunii
Koichi Shinoda
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri
126Development of multicolored nanocrystalline siliconKoichi Shinoda
Hiroshi Kunii
Keisuke Sato
Kenji Hirakuri
Photometry, Colorimetry and Radiometry
127Theoretical analysis of normal emittance from circular black body cavities - a comparison with exponential approximation -Yoshinari Ishido
Hideyuki Minato
128Development of a simple spectral emissivity measurement method of transparency sample used near room temperatureHideyuki Minato
Yoshinari Ishido
Satoshi Nakajima
129Slight fluorescence from reference materials upon exposure to the visible radiation with shorter wavelengthHiroshi Shitomi
Ichiro Saito
130Design and evaluation of various trap detectorsYoshiro Ichino
Terubumi Saito
Ichiro Saito
131Study on the physical change of visual stimulus in fire smoke - The verification of Matsuura's transmission model in darkroom -Yuki Akizuki
Takeyoshi Tanaka
132Comparison of perceived colour-differences and values by CIE94 colour difference formulaFuyuki Hosokawa
Akio Murahashi
Satoshi Fujimura
Takaaki Kobayashi
Masaharu Nakayama
Koichi Ikeda
133Development of illuminance measurement system in the driving high-speed with separated photocellsShin Tozuka
Hideaki Takahashi
Takashi Sato
Shoetsu Sakamoto
Tadahiko Hirotsu
Yoshiyasu Kitamura
134Estimation of complex refractive index of clusters by Mie-Scattering EllipsometryYasunari Harada
Ayumu Sato
Seishi Sekine
Masashi Ohkawa
135Characteristic evaluation of diamond VUV monitor - Measurement of VUV radiation emitted from xenon excimer lamp -Hideaki Ishihara
Kouji Uchida
Kenji Nippashi
Mikihiko Mastuoka
Industrial Application of Radiation and Radiometry
136A mapping of solar UV-A radiation in JapanMasako Sasaki
Yuji Fujita
Shu Takeshita
137Action spectrum of locomotor suppression at night in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigeraTatsukiyo Uchida
Kentaro Arikawa
138Experiment in phototaxis of insects by using insects control lighting systemSinji Tazawa
Tadashi Fukui
Noriyuki Dajou
Hiromitsu Arai
Kaoru Emura
139Development of low insect attracting lighting fixtureShinichi Aoki
Makoto Yamada
Sakaguchi Toshihiko
140Influence verification to a spinach by irradiation of the green light for controlling action of agricultural noxious insectsMakoto Yamada
Toshihiko Sakaguchi
Hajime Watanabe
Masaki Endo
141Chaetoceros calcitrans cultivation character on different light intensitiesShinichi Kosaka
Motoichi Kato
Atsunori Masuda
142A temperature rise of the perishable food by lightingTsuyoshi Hino
Hirokazu Hirai
Syuji Katayama
143Thermal stress evaluation of printed circuit board by using thermographyTakanori Netsu
Masanari Taniguchi
Toshiaki Yanada
Tasuku Takagi
144Environment control for agriculture and fisheries - A consideration mainly depends on optical radiant environment -Katsusuke Murakami
Kimitoshi Horaguchi
Shinichi Kosaka
Atsunori Masuda
Hirohisa Hatakeda
145 Environmental purification on functionally graded material characteristics of photocatalyst and vickers hardness of TiO2Kumiko Kato
Yoshihisa Uchida
Niichi Hayashi
Yoshiyuki Uchida
Shuntarou Higa
146Construction of simultaneous multi-points illuminance system (3) - Evaluation of the perception of luminous classroom environments using liquid crystal projectorYoshikazu Araki
Masayuki Sakano
147Basic study on detection of wet condition on road from image dataNaotaka Ikemoto
Minoru Isomura
Junichi Hozumi
Shigehiro Ishihara
Kenji Fujinami
148Consideration of 2-dimensional phase unwrapping path for 3-D figure measurement using fringe projectionYukitaka Shinoda
Takahiro Yokoi
Kaoru Inoue
Toshifumi Suzuki
Takashi Higo
149Wavelength-shift detection for strain measurement using fiber Bragg gratingYukitaka Shinoda
Kaoru Inoue
Chikako Katano
Masahiro Murayama
Jiro Sanada
Yoshitaka Sakumoto
Takashi Higo
What will be? How to do it! LED Lighting Hardware and Software
S-1How to improve the efficiency of LED light sourceTsunemasa Taguchi
Kazuyuki Tadatomo
S-2LED luminaire and lighting systemMasaru Sugimoto
S-3Color appearance and color rendering of LED light sourcesHirohisa Yaguchi
S-4Consideration on optical properties of LEDsKohtaro Kohmoto
S-5Lighted environment by LEDsTetsuo Endou

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